Manually Setting Up Windows 8 VPN. You can use the built-in network for Windows 8, in order to set up VPN. Listed below are the steps, you need to go through for a manual VPN set up. 1. Go to Control panel and open the ‘Network and Sharing Center’. 2. Choose the option called ‘Set up a new connection or network’. 3.

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How to use the VPN Configuration Utility. To learn how to implement the above options, refer to the E80.71 Remote Access Clients Administration Guide. Installation instructions. Download the VPN Configuration Utility for Endpoint Security sk122574 zip file and extract VPNConfig.exe and features.xml to the same folder.

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Set Up and Edit VPN Connections in Windows 8. 08/31/2016; 7 minutes to read; In this article Updated: June 7, 2016. Applies To: Windows 8. You can use this topic to learn how to create a virtual private network (VPN) connection on a client computer or device that is running Windows 8.

2016年国家网络安全宣传周_民生热线_德阳频道_四 …